Lotis Blue Design
Custom Residential Landscapes
(916) 456-8649
"Rendering your ideas into Reality"
Lotis Blue Design © 2006-08
Site Engineer: XLeration Services
Q: What is a Lotis Blue?

A: An endangered species of BUTTERFLY. Scientific Name: Lycaides idas lotis. A native of rare coastal bogs near Mendocino on the north coast of California, the Lotis Blue butterfly has been a victim of development and drought. Bog habitat has undergone a natural process of drying cycles but human activities have played a major role in preventing the formation of new bogs.

Listed as endangered in 1976, the Lotis Blue Butterfly is currently believed to be extinct. A live specimen has not been seen since 1963. There are remote areas where the Lotis Blue may still exist and if the butterfly is rediscovered, a breeding program would be initiated to attempt to prevent the species from going extinct


Q: When is your lush green landscape not “green”?
A: When it’s lawn.

Lawn grasses are some of the least environmentally friendly plants in the traditional landscape and we have a dysfunctional relationship with them. Lawns are made up of mostly non-native species and they suck up money, time, water, fertilizer, and pesticides. As long as we give them large amounts of time and attention, they do fairly well but the moment we cut back on their conspicuous consumption, they die back so dramatically they make us the pariah of the neighborhood. It’s just not natural.
In the past decade, more and more Americans have begun to reduce the extensive amount of lawn typically associated with suburban homes and rural estates. Not only are lawn grasses difficult to keep looking their best year-round, they are high maintenance water guzzlers that are typically fed a steady diet of chemicals. All of these things make lawn less than “Green”. Many homeowners are opting to replace part or all of their lawns with beautiful drought tolerant landscapes.

CLICK HERE for the complete article with tips on:
  • Maintenance
  • Water
  • Chemicals
  • Lawn Alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) & Tips